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Tab Inundation

Originally Authored April 22, 2014

I love tabs. I think Firefox’s implementation of tabs in an internet browser has to be one of the greatest, and most simple, innovations of the internet. A normal part of my workflow involves opening a bunch of tabs at one time so I can read them each later. I do it when I search Google, researching something for work or school and I do it when I’m just on my favorite sites looking for interesting news.

I typically scroll through a page of headlines or website titles, then Ctrl + click the crap out of it until there are no more interesting headlines. Once I have exhausted that page of search results or stories, I cycle through the tabs I have shotgunned into my browser and read through them. I love it.

That being said, I’m done with it.

I have slowly come to realize that this just does not work for me. I usually end up with a billion open tabs. I get tired of reading one of them because I know I have so many left to cycle through and I know the rest are all more exciting than the first. I have this mentality for a couple tabs, I find one or two sites that satisfy me, then I get tired of reading page after page. The pages that initially piqued my curiosity, now feel like a chore to read. I feel like I need to chip away at the buffet of pages I have in front of me. Come the end of the process, I feel deprived of rich content, not because I am deprived, but because I inundated my attention span with too many tabs. So now, I’m taking the internet one tab at a time and I think it will make my learning, and time wasting, experiences much more fulfilling.


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